Welcome to our residency blog.
Libby Hatfield
Hometown: Portland, OR
You know that person who seems to have an effortless awareness about them? The one who can keep tabs on everything without breaking a sweat? That’s Libby. When many of us are focused on navigating the increased responsibility each new year of residency brings, Libby does that plus makes sure to bring other learners with along the way. On multiple occasions, she has incorporated the medical students and first year residents into leading complex resuscitations and medical codes. The confidence and ability to juggle multiple roles in the ED makes her a RIP CITY Resident!
What’s your favorite snack at the movies?
How do you typically spend your days outside of the ED?
You most likely find me in my kitchen, whipping up something delicious.
What book have you gifted or recommended the most to people?
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
What do you wish you would have known about residency when you started your intern year?
Don't blink because it goes by fast.
What one thing do you have for each shift in the ED?
I can't operate when hangry, so if I had to choose one, I'd have to say food. But I also can't do without a functioning pen (they're harder to come by than they should be), my EMRA antibiotic guide and positivity rounds before each shift.
Editorial note: positivity rounds were started by Dr. Mary Tanski. At the start of each shift, after receiving sign-out, we each share something going on in our lives we’re excited about - to start the shift off on a positive note.