We are PDX Emergency Medicine

This is our entirely resident-run website, here to share with you a bit about our residency, our learning, and ourselves. We are a 3-year residency program based in Portland, Oregon. We currently have 11 residents per class for a total of 33 residents in our program at one time.


The Department of Emergency Medicine at Oregon Health & Science University was established as an interdepartmental division in June 1977, becoming the third U.S. medical school to establish an independent academic emergency medicine program. Since then the Department of Emergency Medicine has experienced remarkable growth in its faculty and programs, receiving full departmental status in April 1992.OHSU serves the Portland Metropolitan area as a Level I Trauma Center, Pediatric ED, Chest Pain Center, Primary Stroke Center, ED Observation Unit, and EMS Base Station Hospital.

The OHSU Emergency Department has 42 patient care rooms, sees over 50,000 patients per year, and has over 1,500 trauma system entries per year.

We try to answer a few common questions in the FAQ linked below. Specific questions? Email us from the Contact Us page

This website is a work in progress, please bear with us as we continue to figure out the direction and vision we have for this website…